As part of Image Comics 25th Anniversary, the month of October will see the release of over 30 Walking Dead Tribute covers. Oct 25 is the 4th week of these tribute covers. JC’s has both color & B&W covers that are available. This week: Angelic #2 Color/B&W, Copperhead #15 Color/B&W, Gasolina #2 Color, Hack & Slash: Resurrection #1 Color/B&W, Hard Place #3 Color/B&W, Southern Cross #13 Color/B&W, Spawn #279 Color/B&W, Underwinter: Field of Feathers #1 & Wayward #24 Color/B&W. Those that have pre-orders you can pick them each week or wait until after all have come out. There are still a few that are running late & will be out in the next couple of weeks.
Tag Archives: Variant Tribute Covers
As part of Image Comics 25th Anniversary, the month of October will see the release of over 30 Walking Dead Tribute covers. Oct 18 is the 3rd week of these tribute covers. JC’s has both color & B&W covers that are available. This week: Curse Words #9 Color/B&W, Decender #25 Color/B&W, Generation Gone #4 Color/B&W, GRRL Scouts Magic Socks #6 Color/B&W, Horizon #15 Color, Kill the Minotaur #5 Color, Realm #2 Color/B&W & Spy Seal #3 Color. Those that have pre-orders you can pick them each week or wait until after all have come out.
New Comics Oct 11 including DARK NIGHTS METAL #3, ACTION COMICS #989 (Mr. OZ Part 3), DETECTIVE COMICS #966, FLASH #32, MISTER MIRACLE #3, 3 Different STAR TREK’s N More!!
LOTS of GREAT product this week. I read most of the 8 Marvel Legacy & Enjoyed Them. A Step in the Right Direction for Marvel, let’s Hope. Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #12, America Gods #8 (Neil Gaiman!!), Batman/Flash: The Button Hardcover $19.99, The Crow: Special Edition Hdcr $29.99, Daredevil #27, Dark Nights Metal #2 2nd print & #3, Gotham City Garage #1, Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #30, Justice League of America #16, Mister Miracle #3, Ragman #1, Red Hood & The Outlaws #15, Star Wars Doctor Aphra #13, Scooby Apocalypse #18, Sheena #2, Star Trek: Boldly Go #12, STNG: Mirror Broken #4, Star Trek: New Visions #18, Supergirl #14 with a Cool Stanley “ArtGerm” Lau cover, Suicide Squad #27, Weapon X #9, Wonder Woman #32 Part 2 of Children of the Gods, the Walking Dead Vol 14 Hdcr, Walking Dead Tribute Variant Covers, The Tremendous Trump #1 (cover is a take off from Incredible Hulk #1-wonder what Jack Kirby would think?!-So Funny!!), X-Men: Blue #13, Volcanosaurus #1 (This is So Cool!!) Variants from Marvel Legacy include “How to Draw”, “Trading Card” & “Headshots”, N More. Check previous posts for covers to Marvel Legacy Lenticular & the Walking Dead Tribute covers.
Walking Dead Tribute covers Oct 11
As part of Image Comics 25th Anniversary, the month of October will see the release of over 30 Walking Dead Tribute covers. Oct 11 is the 2nd week of these tribute covers. JC’s has both color & B&W covers that are available. Those that have pre-orders you can pick them each week or wait until after all have come out.
New Product Oct 4 Including Marvel Legacy, DC Dark Nights, Walking Dead Tribute Variant Covers, Star Wars, Batman: White Knight, Harley Quinn Meets Betty & Veronica N More
LOTS of GREAT product this week. I read All 8 Marvel Legacy & Enjoyed Them. A Step in the Right Direction for Marvel, let’s Hope. Dark Night DawnBreaker, Green Arrow, Lots of Star Wars titles, the Walking Dead, Walking Dead: Here’s Negan Hardcover, Walking Dead Tribute Variant Covers, Shadow/Batman from Dynamite with LOTS of Covers + 1:10, 1:20, 1:30 & 1:40 Variants, next part in the Legacy (HA!! Just Got that’s in DC & Marvel is doing their “own” Legacy) storyline in Justice League, final part to Venomverse, Hack/Slash vs Vampirella, Eric Powell’s Hillbilly N More.