LOTS of GREAT product this week. I read most of the 8 Marvel Legacy & Enjoyed Them. A Step in the Right Direction for Marvel, let’s Hope. Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #12, America Gods #8 (Neil Gaiman!!), Batman/Flash: The Button Hardcover $19.99, The Crow: Special Edition Hdcr $29.99, Daredevil #27, Dark Nights Metal #2 2nd print & #3, Gotham City Garage #1, Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #30, Justice League of America #16, Mister Miracle #3, Ragman #1, Red Hood & The Outlaws #15, Star Wars Doctor Aphra #13, Scooby Apocalypse #18, Sheena #2, Star Trek: Boldly Go #12, STNG: Mirror Broken #4, Star Trek: New Visions #18, Supergirl #14 with a Cool Stanley “ArtGerm” Lau cover, Suicide Squad #27, Weapon X #9, Wonder Woman #32 Part 2 of Children of the Gods, the Walking Dead Vol 14 Hdcr, Walking Dead Tribute Variant Covers, The Tremendous Trump #1 (cover is a take off from Incredible Hulk #1-wonder what Jack Kirby would think?!-So Funny!!), X-Men: Blue #13, Volcanosaurus #1 (This is So Cool!!) Variants from Marvel Legacy include “How to Draw”, “Trading Card” & “Headshots”, N More. Check previous posts for covers to Marvel Legacy Lenticular & the Walking Dead Tribute covers.