Join JC as he visits Ken of Checkmate Games 419-720-6901, the same plaza (as Video Game Underground) for a tour of his fine shop. Plus an unboxing of the Free Comic Book Day Heroclix Gladiator Hulk figure & Dice Masters to be given away Sat May 5, 2018 @ Checkmate Games starting @ 9am.
Tag Archives: Gwenpool
New Comics Oct 11 including DARK NIGHTS METAL #3, ACTION COMICS #989 (Mr. OZ Part 3), DETECTIVE COMICS #966, FLASH #32, MISTER MIRACLE #3, 3 Different STAR TREK’s N More!!
LOTS of GREAT product this week. I read most of the 8 Marvel Legacy & Enjoyed Them. A Step in the Right Direction for Marvel, let’s Hope. Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #12, America Gods #8 (Neil Gaiman!!), Batman/Flash: The Button Hardcover $19.99, The Crow: Special Edition Hdcr $29.99, Daredevil #27, Dark Nights Metal #2 2nd print & #3, Gotham City Garage #1, Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #30, Justice League of America #16, Mister Miracle #3, Ragman #1, Red Hood & The Outlaws #15, Star Wars Doctor Aphra #13, Scooby Apocalypse #18, Sheena #2, Star Trek: Boldly Go #12, STNG: Mirror Broken #4, Star Trek: New Visions #18, Supergirl #14 with a Cool Stanley “ArtGerm” Lau cover, Suicide Squad #27, Weapon X #9, Wonder Woman #32 Part 2 of Children of the Gods, the Walking Dead Vol 14 Hdcr, Walking Dead Tribute Variant Covers, The Tremendous Trump #1 (cover is a take off from Incredible Hulk #1-wonder what Jack Kirby would think?!-So Funny!!), X-Men: Blue #13, Volcanosaurus #1 (This is So Cool!!) Variants from Marvel Legacy include “How to Draw”, “Trading Card” & “Headshots”, N More. Check previous posts for covers to Marvel Legacy Lenticular & the Walking Dead Tribute covers.
Marvel Legacy Lenticular Variant covers shipping Oct 11
Marvel’s Legacy restart Continue Wed Oct 11. All-New Wolverine #25, Amazing Spider-Man #789, Defenders #6, Despicable Deadpool #287, Falcon #1, Gwenpool #21, Uncanny Avengers #28 & X-Men: Blue #13. High anticipation is for the Lenticular Variant covers. These are not going to be cover priced for single copies because the ordering hoop requirements Marvel put us retailers through. If you purchase both a regular cover & a Lenticular cover. The cost is $9.00 (if cover priced $3.99 ea), 12.00 if cover priced $4.99 each. If you Only wish to purchase the Lenticular cover it will be $8.50 to $11.00 (Despicable Deadpool) ea. Other shops in the area charging $9.99-20.00 per Lenticular. This offer available Only while quantities last. There will be other Variant covers available too, price vary on issue.