New Product, Unboxing X-Men Art Comic Short Box December 20, 2017 admin 8 Comments Check out the unboxing video and photos of the new X-Men Art Comic Short box with art from Jim Lee from 1991’s X-Men #1. $13.00 each.
Greetings! Did you need it shipped? If so, I’ll need your shipping info to get you a price. Thanks again JC Reply
Hi! How do i buy one???
Greetings! Did you need it shipped? If so, I’ll need your shipping info to get you a price. Thanks again JC
I need one of those box. Do you have any left?
We do have these in stock $13.00 ea Thanks
Any of these left> Thanks!
Not currently available, sorry
Any chance on restock of these? I would like to buy one for my dad as a gift!
They are not currently available, sorry