Prices on the Following LOCAL COMIC SHOP DAY Items as follows: Absolute Carnage #5 $6.50 limit of 5, Absolute Carnage #5 Virgin Variant Limited to 600 copies $60.00. DCeased hdcr Limited to 1400 Copies $50.00, Invader Zim Treasury Edition $25.00, Killadelphia #1 $7.50 limit of 1 Legion of Super-Heroes #1 DC Comics variant Limited to 600: $5.00 with purchase of $275.00 (1 available), New Mutants #1 Mike Deodato variant Marvel Comics limited to 1000 $10.00 with purchase of $225.00 (1 Available), Over The Ropes #1 $5.00, 2019 Saban’s Power Ranger’s Blind Box 333/500 $125.00, Super Dinosaur #1 $5.00 & The Walking Dead: The Alien #1 $7.50 limit of 2. Still Available from Last year: ALIEN 3 #1 Dark Horse Comics Original William Gibson screenplay $7.50 Blackbird #1 Image Comics limited to 500 copies $10.00 with a purchase of $200.00 (1 available) from 2018 Brave & the Bold hdcr $34.99, Gideon Falls hdcr Image Comics Limited to 1000 $60.00, (2 available) from 2018 Saban’s Power Rangers Blind Box #451/452 of 500 $125 ea .
The prices on the comics limited to 500, 600 or 1000 are based rather than just charging that price & you Only Getting the one comic, charging what the cover price or what we were charged and you getting More bang for Your buck. Those purchase prices are a per comic price. So as example spending $225.00 Doesn’t get you Blackbird & New Mutants. You would have to spend $425.00. JC’S will be open from 10-7 on Sat LCSD & are the Only shop in the area participating. Comics can not be held & are on a 1st come basis. See previous post for photos of other items available or go to www.localcomicshopday.com

PLUS A Special Anniversary/LCSD Sale!!
Save 34% off back issues in the Red Bins-PULL 34 or More back issues from the Red Bins for 60% Off!!
Save 20% off Wall Comics/Blue Bin/Comics in Glass Case. Pull 25 or More from Blue Bin for 40% off.
Save 20% off Action Figs/Statues, GN/Tpb/Hdcr, Posters/Prints, T-Shirts, Funko POP’s, Banks, Card Boxes.
50% Off my Grab Bag/Sets on the spinner rack near the front door
There Will Be Specially Priced $50 Gift Certificates at $34.00 each. There is a Limit of 3 per person.